CallR / RetR / CallRA / RetRA (only 64-bit ASMC, JWASM, MASM, POASM and UASM projects)

As the Retn instruction is not supported by the 64-bit MASM compiler (ml64), Héctor A. Medina has developed four Easy Code built-in pseudo-opcodes, CallR / RetR / CallRA and RetRA, which work like Call and Retn respectively. These pseudo-opcodes are used in the following way:

wndMainProcedure Proc hWnd:QWORD, uMsg:QWORD, wParam:QWORD, lParam:QWORD
    Mov hWnd, Rcx
    Mov uMsg, Rdx
    Mov wParam, R8
    Mov lParam, R9

    CallR Label
    ;RetR returns here


wndMainProcedure EndP

Besides, CallR and CallRA accept an OPTIONAL second argument as the return address:

wndMainProcedure Proc hWnd:QWORD, uMsg:QWORD, wParam:QWORD, lParam:QWORD
    Mov hWnd, Rcx
    Mov uMsg, Rdx
    Mov wParam, R8
    Mov lParam, R9

    CallR Label, RetAddr
    ;Code line
    ;Code line

    ;RetR returns here


wndMainProcedure EndP

The 64-bit ECClock MASM example, in the EasyCode\Examples\Masm\x64 folder, uses CallR and RetR.

IMPORTANT: In the examples above, you can use CallR / RetR or CallRA / RetRA indistinctly, but take into account that CallRA / RetRA keep the stack aligned, while CallR / RetR DO NOT.

WARNING: RetR and RetRA modify the Rax register.

REMARKS: CallR, RetR, CallRA and RetRA are only available for 64-bit ASMC, JWASM, MASM, POASM and UASM projects. Despite the Retn instruction is supported by the 64-bit ASMC, JWASM, POASM and UASM compilers, CallR, RetR, CallRA and RetRA are also available as a complement.