Code and Data: Private or Public

In visual projects all constants and data for each Window, MDIWindow or DialogBox objects are private, that is, only accessible to the own object and its children. To share data with other objects in the project, you can add Include files or Module objects. Modules are code objects, which means that they have no window and cannot contain controls, but all variables and procedures inside them are Public by default, that is, common to the whole project. This can NOT be applied to macros nor structures, which are only available in the Window or Module where they are defined (unless you define them in an include file as explained below).

Include files may also be common to the whole project if they are added in the right way. If you want an Include file to be common to the whole project, do the following:

For MASM32 SDK or a driver programming include files, use the "Project=>Add Include files (*.inc)..." menu option
For any other type of include files, use the "Project=>Add Files..." menu option (if the file is not in the project folder, it will be copied to)
When added that way, include files are always included in all other files in the project (windows and modules) when compiled, so they cannot have procedures nor variable declarations, otherwise redefinition errors will be fired (good examples of include files are those coming with the MASM32 SDK). On the other hand, include files are very useful for defining macros and/or structures being common to the whole project (i.e. the file of the NetMon project, in the Examples folder).

Module objects are Easy Code defined and they must be properly structured in order to avoid programming errors. For modules to work fine, a very important rule must be taken into account:
The .Const, .Data? and .Data sections, must ALWAYS be coded before the .Code section like this:



In fact, the order of .Const, .Data? and .Data sections does not matter, the important thing is that just one .Code section is allowed in a module and it has to be the last of all sections.
A module can be very useful for containing variables and procedures being referenced by any other object (window or module), since all its variables and procedures are common to the whole project. However, if you want the data in a module to be private, just do the following:

For visual projects:

Set the PublicData property to FALSE

For classic projects:

Uncheck the Make all variables global option in the Project properties

For Window, MDIWindow and DialogBox objects, Easy Code declares procedures as Private by default, while in Module objects they are declared as Public. As Easy Code ignores the Option Proc directive, all procedures are Public, if not explicitly declared as Private, so that they may be accessed by any other object in the project. In fact, all procedures are Public by default if neither, Private nor Public are declared, so the following procedures are exactly the same:

AnyName Proc
AnyName EndP


AnyName Proc Public
AnyName EndP

If you want a procedure to be private, just add the corresponding reserved word (Private), and the procedure will only be accessible inside the object where it is coded:

AnyName Proc Private
AnyName EndP

So, if you set the PublicData property to FALSE (visual projects), or unckeck the Make all variables global option (classic projects), and all its procedures are declared as Private, you will get a private module, that is, only accessible inside the own module. On the other hand, setting the PublicData property to TRUE (visual projects), or checking the Make all variables global option (classic projects), and not declaring as Private any of its procedures, will result in a public module, where data and code will be accessible from any other object in the project.

It is a good practice to keep Private all procedures inside a window object (visual projects) and adding one or more Include files (or Modules) for common code and data. Your code will be clearer in that way, looking like higher level languages, and less exposed to errors. So Easy Code works when writing code for a procedure: all procedures inside a window object are declared Private (unless you make them Public), while all procedures inside a module object are declared Public (unless you make them explicitly Private). In fact, Easy Code does not write neither, Public nor Private, which means Public.

REMARKS: Easy Code takes care of the prototypes for all existing procedures in the project. So, you DO NOT NEED to write nor to include any Proto sentence, as they are not needed in Easy Code projects.

IMPORTANT: Remember that Easy Code ignores the Option Proc directive, so for a procedure to be private, just add the corresponding reserved word (Private). If neither, Public or Private are declared, the procedure will be considered as Public
