Received by Static objects

This message is received by the window procedure of a Static control when the mouse left button is pressed, but ONLY if the HyperLink property is set to TRUE. When receiving this message, the lParam parameter specifies the effective address of a string containing the control's text. The string pointed by lParam will be either, ANSI or Unicode text depending on the project type (for more information see the ANSI / Unicode applications topic).

If the application returns FALSE for this message, Easy Code will take care of processing the Hyperlink (you can download this Hyperlink example by clicking here). On the other hand, if the application processes the message, it should return TRUE in order to prevent the Hyperlink to be processed twice (you can download this Hyperlink example by clicking here).

REMARKS: If the HyperLink property is set to FALSE, the Static control will never receive this message.

WARNING: Versions of Easy Code previous to sent this message as ECM_LINKPUSHED. Although that name can still be used for compatibility reasons, the new name for the message should be used from now on.