ForeColor property

Available for all objects except ToolBar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TabStrip, UpDown, IpAddress, ImageCombo, Calendar, DateTime, HotKey, Pager, ImageList and Header.

Read/Write at design time
Read/Write at run time

Specifies the text and/or pen color of an object when drawing on its client area.

: The most significant byte of this property specifies whether the color is an RGB value (00H) or a system color (80H), while the other three bytes are the corresponding RGB values. For example, a value 00FF0000H means blue, 0000FF00H means green and 000000FFH means red, while 80000005H means the system color number 5 (COLOR_WINDOW).

WARNING: This property may have no effect for some controls when the new common controls 6.0 are used (see Enabling XP themes).