Project properties

The properties for the project you are working with, are always available through the "Project-->Properties" menu and they are divided into two main groups, General and Advanced. The General group has two sections, Properties and Options:

For visual projects, the Properties section shows a window like this:

While for classic projects, the Properties section shows a window like this:

Where you can specify the following information:

The Options section shows the following window:

Where you can specify the following information:

The Easy Code visual mode (visual projects) needs to link the visual library. You can link it statically (default option) and the size of the final application will be larger, but it will have no dependency. On the other hand, you can link it dynamically and the size of your application will be smaller, but then you will have to join the ECDll32.dll file (ECDll64.dll for 64-bit projects) when distributing your application. This case may be useful when you are going to distribute more than one Easy Code application, because just one copy of the dynamic link librrary is needed in the Windows system directory.

REMARKS: The Easy Code macros option is always checked by default when starting a new project. Sometimes, a macro name might conflict or you just may want not to include them. If so, uncheck the option and the Easy Code macros will not be included in the project.

The Advanced group has three sections, Tools, Command line and Build events:

The Tools section shows a window like this:

Easy Code allows you to choose the tools being used for building each project. When a new project is created, those tools are set to their default paths (the paths previously set for that configuration in the Settings section), but you can change the Compiler, Linker (or Library compiler) and the Resource compiler if you like (this change only affects to the related project). On the other hand, take into account that wrong paths will be printed in red colour.

All the Easy Code examples have those paths empty in its project file (the file with an ecp extension), so that they get the default paths for the correspondig configuration (the right paths previously set in the
Settings section).

Easy Code also allows you to specify a Command line for the project's executable file if you need so. The command line is available from version and it will be appended to the built executable file when it is launched from Easy Code with its Build=>Run menu. This new option will only be available for projects which build an executable file (.exe) and the user is responsible for its content to be valid and accepted by the built executable file.

REMARKS: The path labeled as Linker will be the path for the Library compiler ONLY when working with static library projects.

WARNING: If you change the path for any tool, or for all of them, YOU ALSO HAVE TO CHANGE THE CORRESPONDING COMMAND LINE OPTIONS according to the new tool in the Command line section shown below.

The Command line section shows a window like this:

This section contains all the command line options for the Compiler, Linker and Resource compiler (Debug and Release modes), in order to build the project without errors. These options are set to their default values when the project is created (those specified in the corresponding configuration file) according to the tools set in the Tools section.

WARNING: These command line options SHOULD ONLY BE MODIFIED according to the changes (if any) of the Tools section.

The Build events section shows a window like this:

Advanced users can create some custom batch files (*.bat) that will be run during the project building. When the corresponding option is enabled, you can create and/or edit a batch file that Easy Code will run at the specified step.

REMARKS: These batch files will not be run if its corresponding option is not enabled. On the other hand, if an option is enabled but its corresponding file does not exist, Easy Code will just ignore it.

WARNING: Easy Code just runs the batch files but it has nothing to do with its content. You are responsible to create these batch files without errors.