CursorShape property

Available for all objects except ImageList, Header, Thread and SysLink.

Read/Write at design time
Read/Write at run time

Specifies the cursor shape that will be displayed when the mouse pointer is over the client area of the object. It can be one of the following values:

ecDefault 0 (default)
ecArrow 1
ecIBeam 2
ecWait 3
ecCross 4
ecUpArrow 5
ecSizeAll 6
ecSizeNWSE 7
ecSizeNESW 8
ecSizeWE 9
ecSizeNS 10
ecNoDrop 11
ecAppStarting 12
ecHelp 13
ecCustom 14

REMARKS: When this property is set to ecCustom, the image specified by the CursorIcon property is displayed. If the CursorIcon property has no image, the default cursor (ecDefault) is displayed instead.