Control objects (child controls)

Controls are little windows placed inside window objects. In Visual projects you can place controls inside any window object except MDI WIndows, while in classic projects you can only place them inside Dialog boxes. Easy Code manages the following controls:

Static A simple rectangle object which may contain text. Usually used as a label
Edit An editor object, with some editional functions to accept user text input
Group A frame/tray used to group other controls. As a little window, a Group object is a container and it may have child controls inside it, including other Group or Picture objects
Button A classical Windows button that triggers an action associated with it
Check A box which can be toggled "checked" or "unchecked" in order to select/unselect different options
Radio Similar to Check object but can be grouped with other Radio objects to select one or more combinations of options
List An object which can have several items being text strings or others inside it. Items can be selected
Combo Similar to List object but only displaying the selected item at top. The list in the object can be dropped down to display more of the list items
Picture An object which can display graphics being a bitmap, icon, cursor, text. As a little window, it is a container and may have child controls inside it, including other Group or Picture objects
Image A simple static object used to display images (bitmaps, icons, or cursors)
HScroll A horizontal scroll bar used to obtain a value to the scroll factor of another object
VScroll A vertical scroll bar used to obtain a value to the scroll factor of another object
RichEdit A more completed editor object with edition functions, accepting rich text format
TreeView An object that displays a hierarchical list of items which can have subitems. By clicking an item, its associated subitems can be expanded or collapsed
ListView An object that displays icons, text or both, in separated columns. It can have different view types
ToolBar An object that displays a row of bitmapped buttons that activate commands. Pressing a toolbar button is equivalent to choosing a menu item
StatusBar An object that may contain several pannels or o single one. Each pannel is a rectangular area of the status bar that you can use to display information
ProgressBar A rectangle object gradually filled, from left to right, that an application can use to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation
Slider An object (also known as trackbar) containing a slider and optional tick marks
TabStrip An object with dividers (like a notebook) that can define multiple pages for the same area of a window
UpDown An object with a pair of arrows that the user can click to adjust a value
Animate A rectangular window that displays a clip in AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) format
IpAddress Similar to an Edit object, but formatted to enter an I.P. address
ImageCombo A more advanced version of a Combo object, capable to display images
Calendar An object displaying a traditional one-month calendar. Users can use this control to view and select dates
DateTime An object used to allow the user to select a date and time and display it in a specified format
HotKey An object used to allow the user to define a hot key
Pager An object container that is used with a window that does not have enough display area to show all of its content
ImageList A collection of images of the same size, each of which can be referred to by its index
Header An object usually positioned above columns of text or numbers. It can contain a title and an image for each column, and it can be divided into parts
Rebar A container for child controls. It can contain one or more bands, and each band can have any combination of a gripper bar, a bitmap, a text label, and one child control
Thread An object alllowing to create threads in visual applications. It is treated as a child control although it is not. Please see the Thread object help for more information
User A custom defined control. It must have a class name which has to be registered, or one of the Windows predefined classes

REMARKS: User controls are only available in classic projects. The class name specified for a user control, must be registered before opening the dialog box that contains it. If the class is not registered, the dialog box will fail (it will not be built) and will never be shown, unless the dialog has its NoFailCreate property set to TRUE. If you do not specify any class name for a user control, Easy Code will create an unvisible Static object ("STATIC" class) so that the dialog box can be built.