- Complementary tools for Easy Code 2 -

This section is a little guide for you to know the tools needed for each supported assembler. Of course you do not need to have all of them if you do not want to, but at least you should have the tools for the assembler(s) you want to to work with. All paths shown below are referred to the root of drive C:\ for simplicity, but you should use any other drive or path, even a pendrive (I have all those tools in the root of drive G:\). Installing tools in the system drive C: IS NOT recommended, specially on Window 8.1 and Windows 10, because of the permissions restriction.


C:\FASM         (download the Flat assembler for Windows)


C:\GOASM      (download the ECGo.zip package)


C:\JWASM      (download the JWasm.zip package)


C:\JWASM      (32/64-bit versions available here)


C:\MASM32    (download the MASM32 SDK version 10 or later)


C:\MASM64    (available with Microsoft Visual Studio)


C:\POASM     (download PellesC 32-bit)


C:\POASM64  (download PellesC 64-bit)

IMPORTANT: After unzipping the ECGo.zip package the GoAsm folder will have been created. Please immediately download the GoAsm Headers and place them in the Include subfolder (inside the GoAsm folder created by unzipping the ECGo.zip package). Otherwise, Easy Code will not be able to build GoAsm projects.

After downloading and installing the Microsoft Visual Studio, create a folder named MASM64 and copy all necessary files related to the 64-bit MASM assembler (ml64.exe, link.exe, lib.exe, rc.exe and their dependencies).

After downloading and installing PellesC 32-bit in a 32-bit system, create a new folder named POASM and copy all the content from the C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin folder to it.

After downloading and installing PellesC 64-bit in a 64-bit system, create a new folder named POASM64 and copy all the content from the C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin folder to it.

After downloading UASM (both, 32/64-bit versions), it is recommended to place the uasm32.exe and uasm64.exe files in the JWASM folder (C:\JWASM).

For 32-bit applications, GOASM uses the Go tools and the GoAsm Headers, all of them in the GoAsm folder created with ECGo.zip. JWASM, HJWASM, MASM and POASM use the include and library files from MASM32 (C:\MASM32) and FASM uses their own include and equate files (C:\FASM\INCLUDE) plus some include files from the \EasyCode\Include\Fasm folder, specially programmed for FASM. Besides, FASM needs the MASM32 SDK to be installed in order to be able to build 32-bit visual projects (the MASM32 SDK ".lib" files are required).

For 64-bit applications, FASM and GOASM use the same files that they use for 32-bit (with some differences for FASM), while JWASM, HJWASM, MASM and POASM use the include and library files from the \EasyCode\Include\Masm\x64 and \EasyCode\Lib\x64 folders, specially programmed for 64-bit applications.

Easy Code is distributed with some configuration files, one for each supported assembler. Those files (located at the EasyCode\Config folder) have the extension "ori" and are a reference for the corresponding assembler to be configured properly. However, each assembler needs a configuration file with a "cfg" extension in order to work properly, but when you download Easy Code 2 there is no ".cfg" file. All those ".cfg" files will be created when Easy Code starts for the first time and they will be located at the EasyCode\Config folder. For more information, please see the Settings section in the Easy Code help file.

REMARKS: FASM does not have its own linker and visual projects need the Easy Code visual library to be linked. So, for Easy Code to be able to build visual projects with FASM, the Microsoft linker, link.exe, is used instead (ONLY for FASM visual projects). If you want to build visual projects with FASM (all examples are visual projects), you have to download and install the MASM32 SDK (for 32-bit visual projects) and MASM64 (for 64-bit visual projects).

REMARKS: According to the documentation, JWLINK seems not to be able to build WINNT drivers (*.sys), so the Microsoft linker, link.exe, is used instead (ONLY for JWASM driver projects).